
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Michael's Sticker Chart - A lesson in communication

I came up with the idea to create a chart that can track Michael's continued development of new skills and good behavior in which he will receive recognition and stickers/rewards for his accomplishments. I wanted to name it "Michael's Rock Star Chart". So I explained to Jaime the concept of the sticker chart and showed him some samples I've seen on the internet and asked him to design a chart we could print weekly, Michael could add stickers and we can basically throw out at the end of each week. I also asked him to "jazz" it up a bit.

Jaime thought is was quite appropriate has he felt that Michael lives the life of a "Rock Star"... which includes plenty of music, dancing, women battling for his attention, he is driven around town by his Tour Manager (Jaime) and he seems to throw the occasional "Rock Star Fit" when he does not get his way.

So Jaime hands me this the other night:

Our conversation goes as follows:

Me----- OMG, this is really cool!
Jaime-- I know!
Me----- Who are the bands?
Jaime-- *SIGH* They are the bands that every boy needs to know, Rush, Journey, Metallica and Dream Theater. Michael and I listened to them every day on the ride to his daycare from the time he was 3 months until he was 1 1/2. I wanted to add Rage Against the Machine to the chart, but ran out of room and didn't want to compromize the balance of the chart.
Me----- I see. What about bands that I like? Like Wham!
Jaime-- I'm not adding that crap to my amazing chart.
Me----- I see. I may need more room for stickers, can you maybe make the top smaller and the chart part bigger?
Jaime-- No.
Me----- Well what about those squares under Michael's name? What are those?
Jaime-- *SIGH* Honestly, Melysa. Those are a row of Marshall amplifiers. *SIGH*
Me----- You're crazy.

Honestly, it's really cool and looks amazing. Talk about taking an idea and running with it. He also posted it on Facebook for all of his musician friends to oogle over.

Oh, and Michael thought is was really cool and said "Oooh, lights!"

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