
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Songs from the Vault Saturday #3

Welcome to week 3 of

Songs from the Vault Saturday!

If you missed last week's song, check it out HERE

This week I decided to share a song that I fell in love with in college
when I took 2 semesters of Opera as a Fine Arts elective.

It's a stunning beautiful classic opera song.
Plus, I'm on an opera kick after reading 50 Shades of Grey
It's in Latin. (But the video tells you what they say)
It makes me tear up every time I hear it.
It's in my iPod.

Sarah Brightman - Pie Jesu

This version is from 1985 and is my most favorite.
My observations from this video:
  • Sarah needs to stop making funny singing faces.  She's gotten worse over the years
  • I sound like my mom, but Sarah needs to stand up straight.
  • How cool is the Church they are singing in, St. Thomas in NYC.
I hope you like it as much as I do.



  1. Thanks so much for sharing this at my Sunday Song link up. It was wonderful to relax and take time to listen to this.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. What a cool idea to share a song. Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Round UP.
    Rose @

  3. I've heard this song many times and it is so beautiful...thanks for leaving a comment on my blog so I could stop over...your son is a cutie!!


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